
Murfreesboro Baptist Church

Meet the staff of Murfreesboro Baptist Church


Mrs. Paula Pressnell, Organist, Pianist, & Choir Director

          Paula, who has served MBC since November 2006, is from Sunbury, NC in neighboring Gates           County.  She attended Salem College in Winston-Salem, NC, where she graduated cum laude           with a earned a Bachelor of Music Degree in Piano Performance.

          In 1999, Paula began working at Chowan University as a part-time staff accompanist. During           her time at Chowan, she played piano for all choirs, voice lessons, and instrumental students.            She also went on many choir tours and stayed extremely busy at the university. In 2005 she           became a full time faculty member. Paula served the Chowan community until 2018, when she           retired and received faculty emeritus status in 2018.  

          Music has been a lifelong passion as Paula would listen to her mother teach piano at home and           began playing by ear at age 3.  Past  career ambitions have been ventriloquism (age 8), and           paleontology before dinosaurs were cool, (age 11). Thankfully for any hope of success, a piano           teacher encouraged her to become a music major in college. Currently she enjoys spending time           with her husband Larry, two stepchildren, seven grandchildren, reading, and teaching piano to           people of all ages.  

Mrs. Teresa Martin, Administrative Assistant ( )

          Teresa, who is originally from Currituck County, NC, but now lives in Murfreesboro with Clay,           her husband and best friend, has been with MBC since the summer of 2016.  She graduated           from Chowan University with an Associate's Degree in Communications Art. Before her time           with MBC, Teresa worked for over 31 years as a marketing  representative for a local newspaper.

           Being from a large family, Teresa enjoys any opportunity to spend time with them.  The beaches           of the Carolinas and Florida are special vacation spots. When at home she likes to spend her           time working her yard and flower gardens. Her time spent at MBC and serving its' members  has           been especially rewarding.

Rev. Tom Caulkins, Pastor Emeritus

          Rev. Caulkins served as the pastor of Murfreesboro Baptist Church for 25 years from 1968-1993.           Following his retirement, he held several interim positions in the Hertford County area and           served as pulpit supply for many churches in need of a good word. In November of 2016, MBC           awarded Rev. Caulkins the honorable title of Pastor Emeritus. Tom continues to live in           Murfreesboro with his wife, Ann, and they continue to embrace the work and fellowship of           Murfreesboro Baptist Church.